News 2023
This is the archived page of our news from 2022 – 2023
A Year In Review
Saturday, December 16, 2023
We wish you all a beautiful and peaceful holiday season. Take the time to reflect what is most important to you. Your family, your friends, your neighbors.
This is also a good time to think about yourself and how you can give back by volunteering for something that is worth your time and effort. We are a public charity. We serve the State of New Mexico and our community. We need volunteers like you to help us to make a difference in the life of people when they need help the most.
The HOME coalition
Sunday, November 19, 2023
The HOME (Homeless Outreach and Mobile Engagement) is a collaboration of organizations to provide free services to anybody who needs help. Hot meals, housing assistance and funding, treatment and recovery for substance abuse, free wireless tablets with service (for those who qualify) and basic medical checkups, first aid. Pecos Valley Public Services is proud to be a partner in this group and stands ready whenever help is required. If you want to be a part of this, here’s how you can volunteer.
Sixtus Is Home
Sunday, November 12, 2023
Whenever it comes to wilderness problems, we need tools and equipment to be able to fulfill our job. Our off-road cars and trucks can only takes us so far. This is is why we started to look for a vehicle that can carry gear very close to the incident zone or extract subjects when required. While there are some cheaper UTVs on the market, we needed a rugged, proven platform that can go (almost) anywhere. Most experienced UTVers would agree: The Polaris “Ranger” 6×6 platform is the way to go. But those units are expensive. We were lucky. A partner SAR team just bough new UTVs and they offered us the “older” unit for a reasonable price. This vehicle, we named it “Sixtus”, performed very well during a variety of missions in the wilderness and it will serve us to help those in need: In the undeveloped parts of our community or anywhere else.
Wilderness Training
Sunday, October 8, 2023
The Pecos Valley Public Service “Jump Team” went out for some signal mirror, map and compass training. Many folks don’t realize what a helpful tool a signal mirror can be. We re-familiarized ourselves with the mirrors, then set compass radials into the wilderness. The team went out with the task to signal their presence to the team-leader whenever they intersected the compass radials. We tried larger and smaller mirrors to determine the difference in signal quality. Both sizes worked well over a multi-mile distance. This is why we have signal mirrors in our backpacks.
2023 ENMSF Parade
Monday, October 02 2023
The 2023 annual parade: Sponsored by the Eastern New Mexico State Fair Board & City of Roswell. And what a huge parade it was. Thousands of visitors watched as the parade traveled down Main Street from the Wool Bowl all the way to Reed Street. Dozens of first responders, lights flashing and sirens wailing, almost one hundred other participants, marching bands, businesses .. it was a grant show. Pecos Valley Public Services was represented with our Emergency Response Vehicle. A big “thanks” to the organizers for another great parade.
Mission Call-Out
Friday, September 08 2023
Pecos Valley Public Services responded to a request for assistance in the Belen, NM area. We were on the road at 5am and returned to Roswell at 9pm. We provided aerial, ground and vehicle search assets, led groups of citizen volunteers in area searches and helped with tracking the subject. Thanks for the great support to the local businesses (food, snacks and water) and citizens (volunteer searchers), Rio Grande Estates FD, the police and sheriff’s department and all NM SAR teams (and officers) on scene.
Supporting the HOME initiative
Wednesday, September 06 2023
Pecos Valley Public Services supports the HOME initiative (Homeless Outreach and Mobile Engagement) with Basic First Aid and medical checkup services. We brought our Emergency Response Vehicle to a street event and had our volunteers help with all the services offered to the most vulnerable part of our community. The HOME service is a partnership with Alianza, our friends at the Roswell Disasters Relief Service, Chaves County Health Council and other local organizations. We will be out in Roswell and other areas at least once every week.
Out in the neighborhood
Monday, August 28 2023
Another day – another training. Our “jump” team went our for a little hike around the neighborhood. Though it was a little hot, we all made the distance without difficulties. We then settled down to discuss different search techniques. Some of our members are preparing for the New Mexico “Field Cert” – the official SAR certification. From A like “attraction” to eXpanding circles – we went through all the different methods and all the dos and don’ts .
Field Certification Training
Monday, August 14 2023

It’s THAT time of the year again. The time when our new members have to study for the New Mexico Search & Rescue Field Certification. It’s all about the methods of conducting Search & Rescue, the correct terms to use in our line of “work”, how to recognize certain medical conditions and what equipment is required during missions. We will talk about maps, how to recognize and understand the different features and how to use a compass correctly. We will do some related outdoor training as well. Finally, the students will have a practical exam and a written test. All this is going to happen within the next 3 months. If you think about volunteering, now is the time.
National Night Out
Tuesday,August 1 2023
Many people took the time to chat with local first responders at the 2023 National Night Out. It was a great event. A big thanks to the organizer. We took the opportunity to talk to visitors about Basic Life Support – CPR, AED and “Stop The Bleed” . We did a number of short trainings and let folks try their skills on “Pete” the puppet. It’s not as easy as some thought, but it isn’t difficult either. Teaching skills like CPR / AED, basic first aid and “Stop The Bleed” is part of our commitment .. so that others can live. Sign up for a free course here.
Home Depot Summer Bash
Saturday, July 23 2023
We were invited to Home Depot’s 2023 Summer bash and it was great. Great people, awesome cars, and tasty food. We had a great time. We also flew our drone to capture some footage but the SD memory card died on us. And with it we unfortunately lost the footage too. Thankfully we shot more video and a few images and were able to stitch a short video together. Here it is …
Learn How To Safe A Life
Monday, July 17 2023
Protect your loved ones, friends and your community. Being trained in CPR provides the knowledge, confidence and skills to stay calm in a medical emergency and help a person in need. Individuals certified in CPR are prepared to make a difference in their community by being ready to jump into action anywhere a cardiac arrest happens. Pecos Valley Public Services is providing the training free of charge.
Training – Heat Illness
Saturday, July 08 2023

With the temperatures predicted to be in the 100s again, we focused this class room training on heat related illnesses. Heat cramps, heat syncope, heat exhaustion and heat stroke. What are the symptoms? How to avoid? How to treat? Our new video projector came in very handy. We also discussed the treatment of rattlesnake bites. And Greg trained us on a few new knots. Next training will be in the great outdoors again.
Mission Call Out
Tuesday, June 27 2023

Our emergency phone rang at 1:30 am and Pecos Valley Public Services was activated for a State Police Search and Rescue mission in the Silver City area. We prepared for a 4 1/2 hour drive, packed our vehicle with all the necessary equipment and had our volunteers on the road 45 minutes later – well within our commitment as a Type 1 team. The subject was located about an hour later and we were able to return to base. The best of all possible outcomes.
Don’t Fall For The Drone Scam
Thursday, June 22 2023

Drones are cool – but unfortunately expensive. There are a lot of ads on social media advertising what looks like DJI or Autel drones for below $100. Don’t fall for it. Those are crappy drones without GPS (which makes them almost impossible to control), extremely low capacity batteries, and usually without image stabilization. Those folks actually use video from expensive drones and sell lookalikes that can be bought for less than $20 on Chinese websites (like the one on the image). But those things won’t have any of the advanced features. If you see an ad for a cheap drone on any social media platform: Stay away. Don’t fall for it.
Chaves County Health Council
Sunday, June 11 2023

We were invited to present our organization to the CCHC. Wow – so many people helping to promote the physical, mental, and social well-being of all people in Chaves County. We are honored to participate and will try to help as much as we can. Go ahead .. look them up. And feel free to call 211 if you need non-emergency assistance.
Training In The Heat
Sunday, June 11 2023

Search & Rescue can’t defer mission because it’s too cold or too hot. So we went out for a training in the scorching heat. And hiked up Comanche Hill – with full gear. It was strenuous. But a subject may depend on our capabilities and our resolve. That’s why we went up that hill. In 103 degrees. Everybody made it ok and, after returning to base camp, we trained basic drone knowledge so that every team member knows how a drone works, how to change batteries and how to bring it home. Well done, team.
Become CPR / AED certified
Friday, June 9 2023

One person dies every 33 seconds in the United States from cardiovascular disease. Starting July 1st, Pecos Valley Public Services will be able to provide AHA approved “Basic Life Support” courses (CPR / AED). Providing CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation) is crucial when a person experiences cardiac arrest. Performing CPR is an urgent intervention for a person that is not breathing and therefore would certainly die without it. You never know when you’ll need to save a life. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. One person dies every 33 seconds from cardiovascular disease. Protect your family, your co-workers, your community. Contact us for details.
Rattlesnake Awareness (Video)
Thursday, June 1st 2023
Rattlesnake season is upon us once again. Time to talk about rattlesnake safety. As Search & Rescue responders, we are probably qualified to talk about rattlers as we are spending a lot of time in the desert and mountains. So we do meet our reptile neighbors (and other wildlife) frequently. Did you know? About 7,000–8,000 people per year receive venomous snake bites in the United States. Guess how many people die each year from those incidences? Hint – not many. With just a little attention and by following a few rules you can avoid serious situations while enjoying our grand wilderness areas in New Mexico. Read more …
Training – again 😀
Sunday, May 21 2023
Here we go again. Training in the Bitterlake NWR area. We checked our packs and went out for a small 2 1/2 Mile hike with the full equipment. Of course we visited our friend and namesake – the Pecos river. We stopped in between to do some compass training, discussed UTM vs. GPS and checked apps that give us exact location coordinates in UTM. After the hike, we re-trained the most import knots. There was also plenty of time to talk about our last missions and what’s up within the next few weeks. Thanks to all volunteers who spent the Sunday afternoon honing their skills and physical fitness.
143 Volunteer Hours
Sunday, May 14 2023
This was a long stretch. Our volunteers provided First Aid and other support to the Wool-Bowl carnival from May 4th to May14th. We located lost kids, provided medical services to a number of visitors, charged cell phones, helped with hydration and solved a few other issues. We saw people having fun, we saw a few altercations, we saw folks in trouble and we made a number of new friends. Thank you to Allstate Security for the professional services and Moore’s Greater Shows for a perfect carnival and for supporting us with a donation. We hope to see everybody again next year.
50:50 Raffle Ticket Winner: 6210627. Please contact us. Thank you.
Sunday, April 30 2023
At 6am this morning, Pecos Valley Public Services responded to a request to provide ground, vehicle and aerial support for an ongoing search in Sunland Park, NM. The subject was a special needs person who disappeared around Saturday evening. Our team was on the road at 6:45am and joined the search after arriving. We searched on foot and exhausted all of our aerial capabilities, than extended the search with our 4x4s. We were relieved at about 4pm. The subject has been found safe and sound.
Wednesday, April 26 2023
Pecos Valley officers and members were among about 200 other New Mexico Search & Rescue volunteers at the 2023 New Mexico Search & Rescue Council‘s ESCAPE meeting. NMSARC is a not-for-profit organization that provides training, help and support to other New Mexico SAR organizations. Pecos Valley Public Services is an official member of NMSARC. Lots of talks, class room trainings and other events – framed by the beautiful surroundings of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains. The image shows a training session on how to securely strap a subject into a litter. In SAR – you can never learn enough.
April Is Volunteering Month
Thursday, March 30 2023
Are you looking for a little adventure? Do you want to to make a difference in your community? Do you have a passion for helping others in need? Consider becoming a search and rescue orange shirt. Search and rescue volunteers play a critical role in responding to emergencies and saving lives. From locating missing hikers or rescuing individuals trapped in natural disasters to serving the community in times of crisis, your skills and dedication could make all the difference. Training is provided, so no prior experience is necessary. Join the team and become a hero in your community today!
Come – See Us. Talk To Us.
Monday, March 27 2023

Come and say hello. We are at the ARTFAIR Arts & Crafts Show, April 1st & 2nd in the Roswell Convention center.
This event showcases the works of talented local and regional artists who have poured their hearts and souls into their pieces. You’ll be transported to a world of creativity and wonder. Come and appreciate the beauty of art, meet the artists behind the works, and expand your horizons. Don’t miss this opportunity to be inspired and captivated by the power of art.
And – yes. You can talk to us as well 😀
No place outdoors is safe from lightning
Thursday, March 23 2023
The hiking season is about to start. With warmer weather comes the risk of thunderstorms and lightning. Lightning is a major cause of storm related deaths in the U.S. A lightning strike can result in a cardiac arrest (heart stopping) at the time of the injury, although some victims may appear to have a delayed death a few days later if they are resuscitated but have suffered irreversible brain damage. Your behavior can reduce the risk of lightning harming you. Click the image for more information.
Help us: We need an ambulance
Saturday, March 18 2023
Our organization is all about saving folks in distress. When we are called up, we don’t know what to expect. Will we need ropes and gear to rappel down a crevasse or wash? Do we need stretchers and medical supplies? Are we able to deploy our drones? What do we need in regard to water, food or other consumables? A (used) ambulance truck would be the solution to all problems. Read more..
Learn To (legally) Fly A Drone
Thursday, March 3 2023
Drones are very cool technology. But regulations have changed and even hobbyists have to know the do’s and don’ts. Did you know that you will have to register certain drones? That everybody (even you) now needs an FAA certificate to legally fly a drone? That the police are allowed to ask you for your registration and/or certificate?
Pecos Valley now offers a drone course for everybody. The course is free, but a donation is requested. Help us with this fundraiser and get a valuable lecture in return. We even let you fly our drones. Here’s more information and a registration link.
Let Somebody Know
Thursday, March 3 2023
Before you head out in to the big wide open – make sure you let somebody know what your plans are. You can also use “SAR Find Me” a completely free service developed and provided by Pecos Valley Public Services. Just register your outdoor activity and approximate location and our computers will keep an eye on you. No fees, no advertising and no tracking. Create your virtual life line and know that SAR will be looking for you if you don’t make it back in time. Web-address:
Back To The Class Room
Sunday, February 26 2023

Our new members got their first taste of Search & Rescue theory. What is a hasty search? What is attraction? Why do our pants can’t have cotton? What is the correct compass? All of our volunteers have to study hard in order to earn their State Of New Mexico Search & Rescue certification. So we kicked off this years certification training. We will have a few weeks to get everybody to the point where they can confidently face the proctors. We all have started this way.
Thursday, February 16 2023
We train every second Sunday. Today we had some rope work to do. The rappel worked well, with Michaela going over the ledge first in some form of controlled slide and Isaac and Greg going down the rope like special forces commandos. But what went down has to come up again. Unfortunately the toys we brought – especially the foot ascender – didn’t work as expected. So we had different methods to try. Image shows Michaela taking a break on the rope. We made it all up save and sound. A great training that required a lot of physical activities and flexible thinking. Well done everybody. More images on the way.
Night Shift – Again
Thursday, February 16 2023

Whenever the temperature dips into seriously cold, The Roswell Community Disaster Relief Service (RCDRS) shifts into high gear. And again we were helping them out to locate and provide aid to those who don’t have a roof over their heads. Not only did we fix RCDRS’s bus, we searched and found 8 individuals in need of help. We provided prepared sandwiches, gloves, beanies, insulation mats and heating packs. Thanks to all Pecos Valley volunteers who donated their time to help in the cold. And a shout out to the Roswell Community Disaster Relief Service: You guys rock.
All Hands On Deck
Sunday, February 5 2023

A great multi-agency training mission. We searched and located “Andy”, provided first aid and evacuated the unconscious “subject” thanks to the help of Trans Aero Medevac. Teams from Alamogordo and Ruidoso supported us on the search. Our drone finally located the victim in a deep crevasse. First aid was administered and the subject was carefully hauled out to the surface. A helicopter medical crew took over and “Andy” was transported out of the wilderness. We gratefully acknowledge the help of the Roswell Disaster Relief Service and the New Mexico Department of Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources (Superintendent McGary). Roswell Daily Record | Media Library (Updated: Feb. 08, 12:20 pm)
We have our very own frequency
Monday, January 25 2023

All public safety organizations have a frequency to be used in radio communications. Police, Fire, every agency has a designated radio channel. And now we have one too. The FCC granted us an FM frequency in the public safety spectrum and we can use it whenever we conduct trainings or on missions. How cool is that? Next up: Programming the radios. Thankfully, we do have a HAM on our team who understands those things. Roger. Beep. Over.
We are feeling yesterday’s training
Monday, January 23 2023
The mission for our first training in the new year: Get a 150lbs subject to a waiting “ambulance” – about a mile away on top of a hill. And today, I feel that mission in every muscle of my body. But that’s what training is all about. To gain experience and confidence. We dropped the stretcher at the bottom of the hill and created a 5:1 mechanical advantage to get it up to the waiting “ambulance”. Mission accomplished.
Alien SAR
Thursday, January 12 2023
Did you know? We are the only Search & Rescue outfit on the planet that has been certified by the LEAGUE OF GALACTIC EMPIRES for SAR operations. No kidding. Check us out at
This image is (of course) based on a real event. We couldn’t use cell phone cameras because of .. em .. regulations. And it’s secret. The usual. You DO know, that we are located in Roswell, NM? Want to get great drawings as well? Contact Chani on Facebook.
Baby It’s Cold Outside
Sunday, January 8 2023
Though we usually don’t have freezing temperatures like our Canadian friends up north, we can and should benefit from their experiences.
They have an excellent free online course about the rescue and handling of hypothermic subjects and about cold stressed situations in general. Everything we need to know if we have to do Search & Rescue in cold temperatures. Great videos, great knowledge and you even get a certificate.
Happy New Year
Wednesday, January 4 2023
We hope you had a great ‘slide’ into the New Year. We went out on a scouting mission and visited the “Haystack Mountain OHV” in the north-east area of out county. Beautiful rugged terrain for off-roading, climbing or hiking. We wanted to fly our drone to get a few nice videos, but it was too windy to fly our little SAR drone. We’ll have a better drone soon. Want to help? Click “Donate” on the top of the page.
A Night In The Cold
Friday, December 23 2022
We partnered up with the Roswell Community Disaster Relief Services and were tasked to monitor parks and undeveloped areas in our town for folks in distress due to the cold. At around 1:30am we were called to a structure fire that left a family of 5 with nothing. But the cooperation with RCDRS worked well and we were able to put the family into a hotel.
Emergency Calls via Satellite
Friday, December 16 2022

Emergency SOS via satellite is now available on Apple iPhone 14 devices. This ground breaking technology will make emergency services available to users who are in areas without cellular or WiFi access. It does this using a network of 24 low-earth orbit satellites that the iPhone can connect to. This allows you to send very short low-bandwidth emergency text messages to earth-based ground stations.
And – should you run into trouble – it’s us who are going to get you out. So please – stay safe.
Fly Baby Fly ..
Friday, December 16 2022
What good is a Christmas bonus if you can’t spend it to buy some gear for Search & Rescue? A few team members threw some bucks into the hat so that we were able to purchase a new drone. We call her “Doris”. Nothing fancy, but 4K video, Zoom, 3 Miles range, and a number of batteries for extended flight time. We’re still saving money for a drone with FLIR, but even “Doris” will be helpful. Here’s the first video …
Come .. join us.
Wednesday, December 14 2022
If you love the outdoors, if you are ready to help us to help others, if you accept the challenge – here’s your chance. Consider joining a professional and mission-ready team to become a volunteer Search & Rescue first responder. Together we will experience adventure and fun – but also uncomfortable situations and hardships. Contact us for details.
Training Day
Sunday, December 11 2022

Training day again. The last for this year. But we ended it with a bang. All of the remaining unqualified team members passed their physical fitness exam as required by the State of New Mexico Standard operating Procedure (SOP-1) with 20 minutes to spare.
Congratulations. We are proud of you.
We now have a drone pilot
Wednesday, December 7 2022
In order to fly a drone (other than just for fun) you need a drone pilot license. Michaela passed her FAA Part 107 exam with a score of 97% (couldn’t make it 100% 🙂 and we now have a certified drone pilot in our team. This will improve our Search&Rescue activities a lot as we now have the capability to conduct searches from the air. We are now planning to buy a drone with the capabilities for day & night searches.
Want to help us with a donation? Thanks for contacting us.
Christmas Dinner
Tuesday, December 6 2022

While our company is young, our team is strong and we enjoy each others company. We went to check out the new (to me) Texas Road House for our first Christmas dinner. We had stories to swap, jokes to tell and we discussed our plans for the future. Though not everybody could make it – we had a great time anyway.
Training Day – Again
Sunday, November 27 2022
Yes – we do a lot of training. This time, we had the Roswell Community Disaster Relief Services joining us to see what we do. We trained knots, got acquainted with our new mobile litter system and, of course, went on the ropes a bit. Another fun and interesting event in the great outdoors.
Don’t Call Us – We Find You
Friday, November 25 2022
We are participating in SarFindMe. Just register before you head out into the wilderness and shouldn’t you return in time, we’ve got your back. No trackers, no third-party cookies, no advertising and it’s completely free to use. Always let someone know where you are and when you are planning to come back.
UTM Coordinates
Thursday, November 17 2022

While GPS locations are pretty common everywhere, we SAR folks also use the UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) coordinate system. Which has advantages and disadvantages. In any way – we need to know how to find or way in UTM and that’s why it is important to refresh your knowledge once in a while. This is a good explainer ..
First Training
Sunday, November 13 2022
Pecos Valley Volunteers came together to start training in the Bitter Lake Wildlife Refuge. We did some basic rappelling (roping down) and introduced knots, the “rescue 8” and “tubes” to safely get down a drop. After all – that’s where a victim may be found. Also on the training menu: CPR/AED – we used our AED device to simulate the workflow on a simulated heart attack patient.
Wilderness First Responder
Friday, November 11 2022

Michaela passed her “Wilderness First Responder” course. Congratulations. Now .. what is a WFR? In short: Among other things they are able to provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation, provide emergency medical care controlling hemorrhage, bandaging wounds, manually stabilizing injured extremities. They are able to distinguish medical problems that need an evacuation from minor issues that can be dealt with in the field.
Ropes: Know Your Knots
Wednesday, November 02 2022

Ropes are indispensable components of SAR missions. That’s why we are required to have them in our packs. But what good are ropes if we don’t know how to use them? Basic knowledge starts with the ability to tie knots. This video from “Dallas Fire-Rescue Training” gives you a great introduction into rope work.
Cheap Emergency Radio – A Great Tool
Thursday, October 20 2022

SAR team members have to carry a lot of gear. The New Mexico “Field Guide” requires us to carry food, clothing, water and a variety of tools like compass, ropes and more. Sometimes a product comes along that combines a number of things into one nice package and this “Emergency Radio” truly fits the bill.
Hug A Tree
Tuesday, October 08 2022

The HUG-A-TREE and SURVIVE Program was started in San Diego, California after a search for a nine-year old boy who died in the local mountains. A group of those searchers put together an assembly program for children on how not to get lost, how to stay comfortable if they do get lost, and how to be spotted and found.
Learn More About This Exciting Program .. .
The Thing With Magnetic North
Saturday, July 23 2022

When I was introduced to map and compass work, I learned about “true” and “magnetic” north. Say .. what? There are two “Norths” ? Actually .. there are as much as three “Norths” .
Here is what you need to know ..